How to Photograph Drinks Like a Pro

Photographing drinks — especially cold ones and those in glass bottles — can be challenging. But when you do get the hang of it, drink photography can be fun and rewarding. Take cues from these tips on how to photograph drinks from professionals. How to Photograph Drinks Time to elevate your brand with these drinks […]
How to Photograph Jewellery – Tips and Techniques

Picture this: a seamless white background, and in the centre, a gorgeous gemstone necklace or a pair of sparkling diamond earrings. Clean and minimalist as it is, it’s not exactly a simple shot to pull off. Jewellery photography can be tricky, but with tips and techniques from professional photographers, you can create eye-catching pictures that […]
How to Take Good Product Photos that Sell

The perfect shot might look simplistic, but it is made possible by careful planning, artful composition and skilful execution. You may know the basics — have a good camera, learn to use your camera, use a tripod, use proper lighting, set up the perfect background — but you need to invest a bit more time […]
5 Product Photography Tips to Take Pictures that Convert for Beginners

If you’re a budding online business owner, you should understand that high-quality product photos have an incredible influence in converting visitors into loyal customers. It’s ideal to consult professional eCommerce photographers to shoot and edit images for you and help promote your business. But if you’re starting out and are on a tight budget, the […]